Happy to met the Future Engineers/Doctors/Scientist...... They can be any one of the best ..
This girl telling to me as she will become as a Collector in future,Hope she will be and waiting to see her as a Collector.
I was been working South Korea for past 10 years,Every-time when i visit my home country India,I will always think to do some useful help and support for the needed peoples,But due to short vacation its not much possible to do it.But this time i was fixed as i need to do more for the needed peoples by sharing knowledge and also by providing small part for contributions .
This year my India visit on August 2017 was the great experience as i fulfill my dreams and planing to do more .Yes this year i visited few colleges for knowledge sharing in Microsoft .Net technology for College students and also guide the students for better Career in Microsoft technology.
Apart from knowledge sharing i also visit a small middle Government School at Kambampatti,Natham,Tamil Nadu ,India.My school teacher Girija Sri is presently working at this Govnt School.Told me as this school is located very interior from the main city and its very rural village hardly 100 students are studying from 1st STD to 8th Standard.
My teacher also told me as this school children's are working in early morning and in evening for their daily survival and in day time they come to school for education.I told to my teacher as i will visit your school and do my small contribution as Note,Pencil,Pen for the children. Teacher told me as this students also don't have enough plates and most of the students sharing plates for having the lunch for example as 2 children's sharing same plate for eating the afternoon lunch.I told as the school strength is only 100 so i will buy the plate as well for the kids and myself with my Wife Asma Begam and friend Visited the School for presenting my small contribution to the kids.
This is very small contribution but the children's are so exited to met us and get the small gift and are more happy to see us and all the kids tell us that they will come like me in futer and help for other poor students. Iam so happy to see the kids love and their confident.I believe all of them reach to good position and fulfill their parents and teachers dreams.
A special thanks to my wife as she was so exited to meet the kids and spend time with me and support me in always like every-time ,With out her coordination it will be hard to do all this community works
Same like this school around the India there is thousands of schools in village and all the kids really need the awareness as how to study and how to make their goal to reach the top level.Teachers are their to give education and as a normal person we also can help them by donating small gifts and also guide them for their career.
If you like this blog then kindly share with other friends and I believe same like me you will start to visit a Govnt school near to your place in India and do small contributions and guide them to reach their success.our small contributions can change someones life in better way hope we can all do this .You wont believe me ,If you visit a village side school and do a small contribution all the kids will be so happy to see you and they will take you as role-model and they will think and hard work them-self to reach like you.
When ever i get a time ,I will visit surely to give surprise for this students and wishing all them to be success in their life.I believe you all will start working on this and help the needed students,For those who already doing this a great salute to all :)
This girl telling to me as she will become as a Collector in future,Hope she will be and waiting to see her as a Collector.
I was been working South Korea for past 10 years,Every-time when i visit my home country India,I will always think to do some useful help and support for the needed peoples,But due to short vacation its not much possible to do it.But this time i was fixed as i need to do more for the needed peoples by sharing knowledge and also by providing small part for contributions .
This year my India visit on August 2017 was the great experience as i fulfill my dreams and planing to do more .Yes this year i visited few colleges for knowledge sharing in Microsoft .Net technology for College students and also guide the students for better Career in Microsoft technology.
Apart from knowledge sharing i also visit a small middle Government School at Kambampatti,Natham,Tamil Nadu ,India.My school teacher Girija Sri is presently working at this Govnt School.Told me as this school is located very interior from the main city and its very rural village hardly 100 students are studying from 1st STD to 8th Standard.
My teacher also told me as this school children's are working in early morning and in evening for their daily survival and in day time they come to school for education.I told to my teacher as i will visit your school and do my small contribution as Note,Pencil,Pen for the children. Teacher told me as this students also don't have enough plates and most of the students sharing plates for having the lunch for example as 2 children's sharing same plate for eating the afternoon lunch.I told as the school strength is only 100 so i will buy the plate as well for the kids and myself with my Wife Asma Begam and friend Visited the School for presenting my small contribution to the kids.

Special thanks to My old school teacher and the Govnt school staffs for spending time with us and making all the arrangements for visiting and meeting the students.It will be always happy to fun with teacher and wife,This below picture shows that and its very happy moment.
A special thanks to my wife as she was so exited to meet the kids and spend time with me and support me in always like every-time ,With out her coordination it will be hard to do all this community works
Same like this school around the India there is thousands of schools in village and all the kids really need the awareness as how to study and how to make their goal to reach the top level.Teachers are their to give education and as a normal person we also can help them by donating small gifts and also guide them for their career.
If you like this blog then kindly share with other friends and I believe same like me you will start to visit a Govnt school near to your place in India and do small contributions and guide them to reach their success.our small contributions can change someones life in better way hope we can all do this .You wont believe me ,If you visit a village side school and do a small contribution all the kids will be so happy to see you and they will take you as role-model and they will think and hard work them-self to reach like you.
When ever i get a time ,I will visit surely to give surprise for this students and wishing all them to be success in their life.I believe you all will start working on this and help the needed students,For those who already doing this a great salute to all :)